
Prerequisites to run and install Wiki.js

This site is for the unstable beta release of Wiki.js 3.0. You should NOT install this in production. View the latest stable release instead.

Host Requirements

Wiki.js runs on virtually any system where Node.js is supported. This means it runs on Linux, macOS, Windows as well as container solutions like Docker and Kubernetes.

Minimum Specs

  • 1 CPU core
  • 512MB of RAM
  • 1GB of disk space

Recommended Specs

  • 2 CPU cores or more
  • At least 1GB of RAM
  • 10GB of disk space (depends on file uploads)

While the process itself usually sits at around 70MB of RAM, some events (such as page rendering, indexing, etc.) result in short bursts in RAM usage.

Internet Access

Wiki.js will automatically check for new versions, fetch language updates, etc. from time to time. You can read more about what data is downloaded.

It's however possible to run Wiki.js in offline mode and sideload files if necessary.


Wiki.js requires a dedicated sub-domain / domain (e.g.


You CANNOT map Wiki.js to a subfolder path (e.g. /wiki) on an existing domain. This is NOT supported and will not be. Read why.


A PostgreSQL database is required. The following versions are supported:

  • PostgreSQL 16 or later for best performance.
  • PostgreSQL 12-15 in compatibility mode.

It's recommended you use the latest version of PostgreSQL when possible.

You're expected to have installed a PostgreSQL database instance already (either locally, on another server or using a cloud service). Wiki.js requires an empty database and preferably a unique user / pass to connect to the database.

The database user must have the right to create schemas in the database.

Required Extensions

The following PostgreSQL extensions must be available. Note that these are already included with standard PostgreSQL installations and are only listed in case you're using a custom build of PostgreSQL.

  • ltree
  • pgcrypto
  • pg_trgm


The Node.js runtime is required. The following versions are supported:

  • Node.js 20.0 or later

Node.js is already included in the docker image and only required when installing Wiki.js natively on the host.


Wiki.js will NOT run on older versions such as 18.x, 16.x or any version below 20.x!

Odd-numbered versions (e.g. 21.x) are not officially supported and not recommended.

Web Server

Wiki.js doesn't need any web server (such as nginx or Apache). However, you might need to put a reverse proxy in front of Wiki.js if you require advanced network / DNS configuration.

Supported Browsers

The following browsers are supported:

  • Google Chrome (including the Android version)
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari (including the iOS version)

Note that only the latest stable version of these browsers are supported.


Internet Explorer 11 (and earlier) is NOT SUPPORTED and will not be. If you absolutely require IE 11 support, consider using Wiki.js 2.x instead.