The Road to the Wiki.js 3.0 Beta
May 1, 2022

The Road to the Wiki.js 3.0 Beta

In order to get Wiki.js 3.0 in a state that can be used and tested by the community as soon as possible, here is the roadmap for the coming months:

  • An export utility will be released shortly is now available for current 2.x installations (see details below).
  • The GraphQL backend is being reworked to bring all queries and mutations at the root level, which is in line with current best practices. For example, the query users.user in 2.x becomes userById in 3.0. This will also address many caching issues currently present in 2.x.
  • Only the new Administration UX will initially be available in the beta. The public-facing UX (such as page view and editing) will instead be gradually added over time during the beta. Trying to get all new UX components ready all at once simply proved too large of a scope. By focusing on the administration section, a viable beta can be released sooner with all the new major backend features (e.g. multiple sites, native GitHub integration, webhooks, etc.).
  • The existing page viewing and editing UX will be adapted to use the new backend API but will otherwise stay essentially the same as 2.x.
  • A new branch named vega as been created in the requarks/wiki GitHub repository. This branch is gradually being updated to include the backend and administration UI changes mentionned above. This also makes porting to 3.x the new commits (fixes / enhancements) made to the 2.x branch easier.
  • This new branch is not yet in a usable state. An update will be posted on this site once it's ready.
  • You won't be able to upgrade from a 2.x installation yet. This will come later in the beta.

New Requirements

Wiki.js 3.x will require the following dependencies:

  • Node.js 18.x or later
  • PostgreSQL 11 or later

PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10.x will technically still work but are no longer supported by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group (or will be soon) and therefore not recommended.

Export Utility

A tool to export all content from your current Wiki.js 2.x installation will be published shortly is now available since update 2.5.282. This utility (found under the Administration Area > Utilities) will generate a tarball of pages, assets, comments, users, etc. in file form.

You'll be able to import this tarball into a new 3.x installation in the future.

Note that if you're currently using a PostgreSQL database as the backend for your Wiki.js 2.x installation, you do not need to go through this export/import process. Your database will automatically be migrated to the 3.x schema.

This tool is mainly for users currently on MySQL/MariaDB, MSSQL and SQLite installations. It's also a great solution for people that wish to backup their wiki in a tarball format.