Wiki.js 3.0 - July 2021 Update
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July 24, 2021

Wiki.js 3.0 - July 2021 Update

Note: There was no June update as I was in the process of moving. Rest assured that 3.0 development is still going strong.


The ability to call external APIs or services on specific events is coming to Wiki.js! Useful for integrations with your other products.

Admin Area - Webhooks


Extensions are extra dependencies that Wiki.js can tap into to offer extra functionality. Because they are OS / architecture dependent, they cannot be bundled with Wiki.js directly.

From the Extensions section of the Administration Area, you can see the installation state of any extensions and trigger an automated installation when possible (e.g. Sharp, Puppeteer). Others will however require a manual installation as they vary greatly from platform to platform (e.g. Pandoc, Git).

Admin Area - Extensions